Minggu, 08 April 2012

Contoh dari Text Hortatory Exposition

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb akhi dan ukhti

         Kali ini saya akan posting contoh hortatory exposition yang saya buat sendiri. Karena ini memang tugas untukku. Maaf kalau kalimatnya aneh atau salah, mengertilah karena saya pun sedang belajar dan benarkanlah bila memang aku salah. >-<  heheh

       SMAN 1 Cileungsi is my school. School launched a program go green school. Each student brings a variety of flowers such as roses, eufhorbia, kuping gajah, etc. Respectively stored in the class. Since each class should have a variety of flowers to be placed in front of the class. many of them hanging pots that look beautiful in front of the class. Making schools more beautiful .
       I think situation is clean and comfortable like this that makes us even more active zeal for learning and achievement.
       I recommend that our school is to keep school launched a program go green because the many benefits we get. This plan will be successful in the presence of our seriousness in achieving program school go green.
        Heheh ,sedikit ya?ya emang sedikit namanya juga bikin sendiri.hehe tapi insya Allah generic structure benar . dari mulai thesis , argument sampai recommendation.aamiin . mungkin hanya ini yang bisa berikan blogger ^-^ kurang lebihnya saya mohon maaf ,semoga ilmunya bermanfaat.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr,wb.

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